Managing Conflict in the workplace is difficult and can lead to a lot of employee turnover and dissatisfaction. But it doesn't have to be that way. There are simple ways to overcome workplace conflicts and get everyone talking again! So, how do you manage conflict at work?
Rethink: Do you ever wonder if your approach to conflict is helping or hindering relationships at work? Do you find yourself resorting to blaming others for your problems instead of dealing with your own emotions? If you're like most people, the answer is a "yes". At some point, you've been convinced that the only way to resolve conflict is by pointing fingers, finger-pointing, or shouting down a perceived opponent. When you engage in these counterproductive practices, you undermine your ability to communicate well with others and create resentment among coworkers. Instead of trying to resolve problems through blame-trading or finger-pointing, try these tips.
Create an Effective Team Environment: When there are conflicts within your team, it's important that you create a setting where members are comfortable to talk about their thoughts and feelings without feeling scrutinized or criticized. Talk about the conflicts in a spirit of camaraderie. You might also want to consider an organized conflict resolution strategy so that all team members know what their role in resolving the problem will be.
Get Your Office Space in Shape: Are you spending too much time in email, on the phone, or texting during your work hours? This is a major source of workplace stress and frustration. It can also be a factor in the conflict, as it can make colleagues feel guilty for even having bad interactions with each other. If you're not checking your email, taking phone calls, or writing down emails while you're at work, find a way to balance your time more productively.
Be Mindful of Your Time: One of the biggest challenges for many workers is being able to find the balance between work and personal life. It's important to balance work life with personal life, but you need to stay balanced. Too much of one and not enough of the other can cause stress, burnout, and difficulty juggling your life. Find ways to get more done during your spare time, even if it's just 15 minutes more each day.
Get Your Work Through a Routine: One thing that can really help you when managing conflict at work is regular physical activity. This not only helps you maintain a good health level, but it also boosts your productivity. Try walking around your office with a good book or magazine open to your favorite reader. Alternately, set aside a few minutes each day for a nice workout-even a brisk walk or swim!
Be Positive Toward Others: Do you tend to yell, use demeaning language, or use other negative ways of speaking toward other employees or co-workers? Such behaviors create distance between people. They also make it difficult to do your job properly. Try learning how to be positive toward others and you can improve everything from client service to customer service.
If you're looking for tips on managing conflict at work, these are some great initial steps to take. Remember that there is no "best" way to handle conflict. It all depends on how well you learn to manage conflict at work. Good luck!
If you enjoyed this article on managing conflict at work, be sure to check out the other tips and information found on the site. I hope you find it useful! If you have any comments or questions, be sure to contact me! I'd be happy to reply as soon as possible! Cheers!
I hope that this article has been helpful in teaching you some excellent tips for dealing with conflict in the workplace. Remember: there is no "right" or "wrong" way to handle conflict. If it doesn't keep happening, change your ways! And if it keeps happening, then it's definitely time to re-evaluate how you are managing conflict at work. Good luck!
Note: If you would like more information on how to change the way you respond to conflict, please visit my website. It's filled with valuable information on how to keep conflicts from disrupting your life! You will also gain a great deal of insight on how to deal with difficult people! You will even receive free coaching on how to deal with the most difficult people in your life! Get my free ebook now!