
Sunday, December 5, 2021

Focus on what you are good at doing.

The best leaders are not just talented or diplomatic, but they are also good at focusing on what they are good at doing. People have many skill sets in the business world. Some people are good at marketing but bad with numbers. Others are natural leaders, but they couldn't tell a marketing campaign from their own shadow. This is where the idea of focusing on what you are good at comes into play. It's not about being the best at everything or having ten different jobs on your resume - it's about focusing on what you are naturally talented in and making sure that you're good at it before taking over other areas of the business too. We are usually directed most strongly towards our strengths, whether we know them or not. Learning will come the easiest in the areas of our strengths. 

Is it possible for you to be a good leader in every area? Of course not. It is simply not possible for anyone to be an expert in everything. If you try to be an expert in all aspects of your business, you will inevitably fail because you will be spread too thin and not have the time or resources necessary to do anything well. Leaders should take an objective perspective about their strengths and weaknesses before attempting any innovation or expansion into new territory. Leaders should focus on where their most significant potential lies rather than trying to grow into something that will ultimately fail because they have no natural talent in it.

Unfortunately, leaders or business owners often have to focus on things they are not good at doing. They have to focus their energy on managing people, finances, and operations. It can be difficult for them to focus on what they are good at because of the necessity of wearing so many hats. However, we need to make the most of a world with limited resources. This is limited to managing our time, physical energy, and skills. 

Focus on what you are good at and delegate the rest. This is a central lesson for entrepreneurs and leaders in any business. Some employees might be natural-born leaders, while others might be excellent writers, coders, or event planners. Find out what your employees are good at, make sure they know it too, and then leverage them. We must stop trying to do everything ourselves because it will drain our mental resources, which we need for other tasks. Instead, use the resources and people you may have available and reallocate your time to focus on what you're good at doing. 

The benefits of focusing on what you are good at can be both beneficial to your business and leadership and growth;

You are better suited to lead people who have skills that match your own. For example, if you are a marketer, you should build a marketing team with other marketers to make communication easier among coworkers. Knowing what you are good at will help you align with a team or group that you can be most effective at leading. 

You can focus on what you're best at to produce the best quality work possible.

The more skills you have, the more you can do. However, it is important not to spread yourself too thin. Remember the keyword focus.

Suppose you are not focusing on what you're good at doing. In that case, your natural skills will likely deteriorate over time because you are not challenged enough - meaning that when push comes to shove, you won't be able to do your work effectively or efficiently when needed most.

So, where do you start? What is the essential skill you need to develop if you want to improve? Like most people, the answer is "I don't know." But what if I told you there was one thing that you are good at, and your first task is to find that one thing? Finding out what you are good at is easier when you look at it from the perspective of only focusing on one aspect to start. I am not saying that later you can not add other things that you are good at, but pick one for a start. 

How do you pick only one? Well, start by finding out what others admire in you. What makes you great? What sets you apart from the rest? Do you have a strong personality? Do you know how to relate to people and inspire them? You're unique, so find out what your best traits are. Whether you're good at math or love to bake, you can develop a talent that others will admire. If you're good at leadership, you'll be good at problem-solving. You'll be able to help others when they need it most. If you're a good team player, you'll be more confident in your abilities. Whether you're a manager or CEO, there is always someone who needs you. Next, try to find your passion. Your strengths, your vision, and your purpose are essential. Don't forget to focus on your hobbies and interests to mine your skillsets. You might find that your one thing could be revealed by what you are passionate about or love doing. 

Consider the below framework to help you decide which skill you want to pick first to focus on developing;

Make sure the skill contributes to your sense of fulfillment. It doesn't help anyone if you pick something that doesn't fulfill you. 

Make sure that your skill has value in its own right. If your skill doesn't benefit anyone (or you), it might be better to pick something else. 

Make sure what you pick doesn't diminish others in any way. For example, if your skillset could be interpreted as unfavorable, it might be better to pick something else to focus on doing. 

Make sure what you pick is universally valued. That is to say, make sure that what you choose is recognized as having universal value. 

As you develop your talent, you'll find that you will inspire others. This is because you have a unique ability. People remember you and remember your skills when you're good at something. If you are good at something, people will remember you for making you unique. If you're good at it, you'll be remembered by your customers. By focusing on your natural skill, you can easily distinguish yourself from the competition. You'll be remembered, and your reputation will grow. And when you're a person of quality, with a unique skill or set of skills, they'll come back to you again and again. 

Aside from knowing your skills and strengths, you also need to know how to focus. It would be best to learn how to focus on a specific task. Learning to manage your time effectively can help you get more done in less time. You need to be able to manage your attention span to be productive. Whether working alone or with colleagues, distractions will always come up. But you'll learn to deal with these problems by figuring out what works for you and how to stay focused.

Developing a focused mindset is critical for success. A lack of focus means you will struggle to perform at your highest level. If you're not able to focus, you'll work to make progress. Concentrating on your strengths can help you achieve better fulfillment and forward progress in your life. So, focus on what you're good at and work towards those goals. The best way to increase your focus is to avoid distractions. Think about what you're good at and how you can improve it. Try avoiding other things that distract you. Instead, try to focus on your strengths and talents. You'll be more productive and happy. This is your key to success. Once you focus on one thing, you'll be able to allocate your time and skills accordingly. When you're focused, you'll be able to work effectively.

Another good way to improve your focus is to evaluate your priorities. Sometimes, you can't make decisions based on what you are good at doing. When you're feeling overwhelmed, you should review your daily activities and determine how important they are to you. Once you've made the necessary changes and instilled some order, you can start focusing on what you're good at and do the best you can do.

In the end, simply stated your job is to select a natural talent and focus on it every day until you master it. While it seems simple on the face, it is a rewarding challenge like most valuable things. Ultimately, with determination, you can successfully focus on what you are good at and achieve your goals.

Some additional resources you can use to help focus on your strengths. 

Here is a great PDF guide that you can download from the career center at Berkeley entitled Planning Your Future: “Know Your Strengths”.  You can use this handout to evaluate your Transferable & Functional Skills. It is also a great starting point for a list of strengths if you are stuck trying to evaluate your own strengths. 

Here is another PDF handout, 11 pages in fact, from Stony Brook University entitled focusing on your strengths. It's a great guide to working on getting aligned with your strengths. 

Some videos which are worth your time to view;